All authors including beginners encounter mistakes in their writing process. The editors at American Book Publishing offer professional editing solutions which deliver premium results at different financial levels.
Your book’s online presence will reach its maximum visibility through personalized marketing strategies which we develop specifically for your individual requirements.
Targeted Marketing with Measurable Impact
Our team develops and executes purposeful marketing strategies to connect with your readers and boost audience interaction which leads to greater product sales.
Our modern promotional systems help maximize your book's visibility
The latest operational tools combined with modern platforms enable us to give your book the exposure it needs using social media campaigns alongside influencer outreach or analytics-based advertising approaches.
Custom Strategies to Meet Your Goals
The marketing activities we provide match the specific requirements of your book project by targeting its objectives along with the reader profile and subject matter so your launch achieves optimum results.
Our Streamlined Editing Process
01. Submit Your Draft
Please submit your manuscript and add any particular editing instructions you desire.
02. Initial Edits
Our editor examines your manuscript with critical care before implementing necessary changes then returns it back for your inspection.
03. Refinement
Fulfilling your required revisions follows your responses to achieve a flawless manuscript.
04. Final Proofread
The last stage of proofreading scrutinizes your manuscript for every remaining error.
05. Approval and Finalization
We submit your work for your concluding review before moving ahead to publication once it reaches final polish.
lets Work’ together
Filler text is text that shares some characteristics of a real written text, but is random or otherwise generated. It may be used to display a sample of fonts.
Reach out to us now And receive a free consultation